
Your support really matters - every donation makes a huge difference to the vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities where we work

Books, uniforms and resources for a child


Annual boarding school education fees for a girl


A year’s worth of extra tuition for over 1,000 students

Ways to donate:


Make a one-off or regular donation via our Just Giving page at:


Send a cheque payable to The Mango Tree Orphan Support Programme to 57 Bisley Road, Stroud GL5 1HF

Bank transfer:

The Mango Tree Orphan Support Programme, HSBC bank, Sort code: 40-29-08, Account number 42429101

Regular standing order:

Download a standing order form here or contact us and we will post a form to you:

Shopping online:

Either sign up at and use code 55666 to select The Mango Tree – every time you shop online we receive a donation, or, if you shop on Amazon please use this link – thank you.