The Mango Tree Kenya
A well-established, nationally recognised Kenyan NGO providing education for development to thousands of children, young people and their communities every year. We have been working in close partnership with The Mango Tree Kenya since 2006 to deliver our orphan support education programmes alongside grass roots, community-led development projects across Rachuonyo Districts and Homabay County, western Kenya.

The Mango Tree Malawi
Registered as a Malawian NGO in 2018, working with disadvantaged families in Mwanza, Neno, Chikwawa and Nsanje Districts in southern Malawi. Supporting around 352 orphans and children with albinism to re-engage with education, we work to economically empower their parents and guardians. Their Farmer’s Field School is training communities to grow food for subsistence and agribusiness and establish their own Cooperative Society.

Kyela Polytechnic College
In partnership with Google, The Samworth Foundation and Oglesby Charitable Trust we constructed and equipped the Kyela Polytechnic College. Since opening in 2012 over 2000 students have graduated and moved into employment in a range of professions including carpentry, tailoring, masonry, engineering, IT and journalism. The College also provides secondary school re-take exams, and projects and training for deaf young people.

TMT Educational Trust
Set up by The Mango Tree Kenya to manage the construction and running of the Mango Tree Girls’ Secondary School in Mawego, Homabay County, western Kenya. The school is still under construction, but is set to start registering students from January 2022. It will provide excellent quality secondary education for up to 420 girls and includes means-tested subsidised places for orphans and disadvantaged girls.

Kanisa la Moravian
A faith-based organisation based in Kyela town, Kyela District, southern Tanzania, Kanisa la Moravian has been supporting us with the delivery of our educational bursary programme for orphans in Tanzania. This programme, the Kyela Orphan Support Programme (KOSP), continues to offer ongoing educational financial support and wrap-around services to orphans registered by The Mango Tree between 2003 and 2012.

Tanzania Deaf Skills Forum
A newly registered Tanzanian NGO providing sign language services, teacher training courses and vocational training bursaries for deaf young people in Kyela and Mbeya Districts, southern Tanzania. Since 2017 they have trained 25 teachers, 16 sign language skills practitioners and provided vocational training to 83 deaf young people, and are currently developing deaf social enterprise ideas to build greater financial autonomy and independence.

Empowering Youth Education Through Agriculture
A new social enterprise organisation offering micro-finance loans to low income earners, 90% of whom are women – alongside mid-level entrepreneurs and government employees. It also offers training and support to community-based organisations looking to set up their own savings and loans groups, and provides educational support to orphans and disadvantaged children and young people in Njombe region in Tanzania.