We value your support and are committed to protecting your privacy – this is how we use your information…

We adhere to all applicable laws concerning the protection of your personal data and in line with your rights as an individual. 
As part of our data protection policies, you must be 18 years of age or over to make a donation through our website. 
Please read the information below to find out more about how we collect, use, store and manage your data. You can also read our full Privacy Policy HERE

Who we are

The Mango Tree Orphan Support Programme is a Charity in England and Wales, and our registration number is 1095767. We are also registered with The Fundraising Regulator – www.fundraisingregulator.org.uk. 
The Mango Tree will be known as the ‘controller’ of any personal data you provide to us. The Mango Tree complies with all current UK and RoI legislation both in letter and in spirit, including the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations which came into force on 25th May 2018. We operate and encourage best practice in all our fundraising as part of our registration with the UK Fundraising Regulator and adhering to their Fundraising Code of Practice. We adhere to the current Charity Commission guidance and the Institute of Fundraising code of conduct. 

Why we need your data and what we store

We store your basic personal data so we can provide you with regular newsletters, annual reports, fundraising emails, and information about events and appeals we are organising. 
We only store the basic personal information which has been provided to us by you through standing order forms, letters, appeal responses and personal email and phone calls. This may include your name, title, postal addresses, email addresses, work addresses and phone numbers. 
The Mango Tree records all donation information including the amount of the donation, the company, trust or foundation connected with the donor, which appeal the donation was for and details of all transactions carried out through our website – i.e Just Giving. All anonymous donations are stored as amounts with no name or contact details. 
If you are on our mailing list we may send you promotional, marketing or fundraising information by post, telephone or electronic means. These types of communications can include:

  • News and updates about The Mango Tree, such as our newsletter and annual report. 
  • Fundraising appeals or to ask you to consider supporting us in other ways such as taking part in an event. 
  • Other relevant communications based on your relationship with The Mango Tree. 
  • Informing you of other activities, or events related to The Mango Tree such as volunteering or running a pad production day. 
  • Data Screening and Cleansing. We regularly review our records to ensure that they are as accurate as possible. We may consult alternative sources in order to undertake these checks such as: 
  • Royal Mail National Change of Address database (NCOA) to ensure that we don’t send mail to old addresses and the Royal Mail’s postcode finder to verify address details which you have given us. 
  • Deceased Records (Mortascreen) to ensure that we do not cause upset by contacting somebody who has recently deceased. 
  • Tailoring what we tell you about. We may use existing data about your previous engagement with The Mango Tree to find relevant information for particular activities or to tailor our communication with you. Examples might be: 
  • That you live in a particular postcode catchment near to an event we are holding. 
  • That you previously gave to a match funded appeal (The Big Give) which we have the opportunity to repeat. 

What we do with your data

We store data using an excel-based database, and saved on an organisational Dropbox online platform. Both the files and the platform are password protected. We use this to keep all our contact information and donation information. All the data we process is only stored, accessed and processed by three TMT UK personnel.

The Mango Tree will adhere to donor personal data preferences including their preferred method of contact, gift aid statues and mailing list options. We store the address details of donors who have gift aided their donations, and make a note on our system whether or not the donor wishes to receive further communication from us.

No third parties have access to your personal data unless the law allows them to do so. The Mango Tree will never sell, rent or share your data to any other party. 

Donation Information

We publish aggregate statistics regarding donations but these statistics do not include any personally identifying information. The information given to us includes: total number of donors, total amount of donations for specific periods of time, funds generated from different funding streams. Aggregate information of this kind is used to improve our fundraising.

We use a third-party financial institution called Just Giving to process our credit card transactions through our website. They receive the credit card number and other personal information of our donors only to verify credit card numbers and to process credit card transactions in a secure environment. There is an option to donate anonymously online as well as gift aiding any donation you make. 

How long we hold your data

Your information will be securely stored until we are notified by you that you no longer wish us to hold your information or receive communication from us. If you are a donor to The Mango Tree, we are required under UK tax law to keep your basic personal data (name, address, contact details) for a minimum of 6 years after which time it will be destroyed. 


Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer. They are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be accessed either by the web server or the client computer. The Mango Tree website only uses the Google analytics cookie to ensure that our website works smoothly and to monitor the reach of our website. You can learn more about cookies here:

In addition below is a list of other cookies used on the site with a short description of what they do:

  • ASP.NET_SessionId – ASP.NET unique ID for the user session.
  • CMSPreferredCulture – Essential Kentico cookie to store the visitors preferred culture
  • UrlReferrer – Referrer cookie set depending where the user has clicked the mango tree link to the website
  • VisitorStatus – Kentico cookie: Indicates if the visitor is new or returning. Used for tracking the visitors statistic in Web analytics.
  • _ga and _gid – Google Analytics cookies. Used to distinguish users.

Your rights & preferences

You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time – this can be done by contacting us directly via email, in writing or by telephone.

If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to see this information (your right to ACCESS) and have it corrected (your right to RECTIFICATION) or deleted (your right to be FORGOTTEN). If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us to have the matter investigated.

For more information on our privacy policy, or for any questions on how we store and use your personal data please contact emily@themangotree.org